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Terms and Conditions

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The following terms and conditions are read and understood by all registrants on the site, each according to his use of the site and in accordance with the laws of the United Arab Emirates or any country in which the user operates. This does not excuse the user from understanding the laws in force in his country, so as not to misunderstand or consider it.


Terms and Conditions

Welcome to ALMOQAREN Platform, the first site in the region specialized in construction work and everything related to it, and we thank you for reading the terms and conditions of the site, which is the main reference for deciding on disputes that may occur between dealers on the site, or between the site and one of the participants, the proper use of the platform Subject to what is stated on this page, and participation can only be accepted by agreeing to the terms and conditions that will be stated on this page.

General Provisions

• Users of ALMOQREN platform are obligated to respect each other, in terms of their gender, color, and creed.... It is strictly forbidden to request or perform services that include insult, defamation or defamation of countries, personalities, sects, or beliefs.

• Users abide by the general principles of morality stipulated by Islamic Sharia and religions, and do not request or implement any services that contain any kind of pornography, defamation, harassment, or threats... This provision applies to the content of projects, offers, and messages.

• Users of the ALMOQAREN platform are bound by the principles of intellectual property rights. They do not infringe copyrights, trademarks, patents, and the works of creators... except with the prior permission of the rights owner as stipulated by laws.

The conditions

Registration and Membership

• ALMOQAREN is a commercial service platform that includes financial transactions. For this reason, registration on the site is required with correct information, and the user is the only one who guarantees and bears responsibility for this information.

• The subscriber chooses a username that is clear and understandable and does not include phrases that violate the provisions set forth on this page.

• The comparison site requires that the user be over 18 years old, and the site has the right to request official documents to prove this.

• The user is not entitled to use expressions indicating incitement, hatred and exposing others within his personal file, and he is also prohibited from promoting other competing companies.



Executed works displayed by companies on the site:

• Service providers can display their previous work on the website to facilitate identification of them and their work by project owners.

• The previous works must inevitably belong to their owners, and it is forbidden to use the works of other companies or service providers under penalty of perjury. It is considered a kind of manipulation, and the site has the right to take what it deems appropriate in this regard.

• The projects do not compulsorily include everything that contravenes the provisions referred to above.

• The comparison site has the right to delete previous works and services in violation of its terms and conditions before or after displaying them to the public.


• Projects are written in Arabic or English, with clear meaning and free from complications or incomprehensible phrases.

• Budgets are determined within the project, and maximum and minimum amounts are set for them. In no case can the project owner promise to increase or threaten to decrease this amount except with a friendly understanding with the service provider.

• The bidder must abide by the time allotted for delivery, and he is not entitled to demand an increase in this period except with a friendly understanding with the employer, and the project owner is not entitled to demand the final delivery of the project before this period.

• In the event of problems with the bidder, the problems are resolved bilaterally and amicably, and if it is impossible to reach a solution, the management is contacted to resolve the dispute.



• Offers are written in clear Arabic or English (or both languages) and include correct information about the capabilities of the service provider.

• The service provider can include in his offer his own completed previous works to give a clear idea, and he is prohibited from using the works of other users.

• The service provider determines the appropriate amount for him, and he cannot discuss this amount after he has added his offer. This offer is considered a final agreement if it is chosen to implement the project, except in agreement with the employer if the work requires greater effort.

• The service provider is obligated to perform the service as agreed upon with the project owner, and in the event of his inability to perform it, the employer must be informed.

• The service provider is committed to intellectual property rights and works to provide exclusive content to the project owner who can file a complaint in this regard.


Financial transactions

• All financial transactions are carried out from within the website, for Engineering service providers, and the project owner or service provider is not entitled to offer or request any financial transaction outside it, and any such act exposes its owner to immediate suspension of the account.

• It is not possible in all cases and in any way to avoid the comparison site commission.

• The service provider does not get his profits until after the completion of the project and the satisfaction of the employer by providing the required if he does not ask for anything other than what he wrote in the description of the project.

• All users use legitimate means of payment and receipt of funds in their own property.

• No user has the right to play a mediating role within the site or take a commission for any role outside the roles played by the offer owners.

• With regard to the works carried out by contractors or suppliers with employers, the site is not responsible for any kind of disputes that occur in this area because the site plays the role of an intermediary and offers services only, and the employer must verify the eligibility of the contractor or supplier first, but the site has the right to violate or stop The account of the contractor or supplier in the event of receiving complaints about him and it is proven that these complaints are valid, both in terms of the quality of the work, the period of implementation, and others.


ALMOQAREN site commission

• ALMOQAREN Platform gets 20% of the profits for each service project, and this percentage is deducted from the service provider, who has no right to ask the project owner to add this amount.

• The site's commission is subject to increase and decrease as necessary, and it will be noted if it is changed.



• In several cases in which technical support presents its decision, the user can recover his money within two months of his request, and this depends on the nature of the laws of the payment method and the type of problem that occurred within the website, and the user bears the commission fees imposed by the method he uses to pay.

Account suspension

• ALMOQAREN Platform has the right to suspend the account of any user, whether he is a project owner, unless he adheres to the terms and conditions of the site.




• Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Arab Emirates.

• The United Arab Emirates is our country of residence.

• Minors under the age of 18 are prohibited from registering as users of this website and are not allowed to transact or use the website.

• If you pay for our products or services on our website, the details you are asked to submit will be provided directly to our payment provider via a secure connection.

• The cardholder must keep a copy of the transaction records and the merchant's policies and rules.

• We accept payments online using Visa and MasterCard credit/debit card in UAE Dirhams (or any other agreed currencies).

Website work policy:

• will not deal or provide any services or products to any of the OFAC sanctioned countries in accordance with the law of the United Arab Emirates.

• Multiple transactions may result in multiple postings on the cardholder's monthly statement.


Refund and Cancellation Policy

• The money will only be refunded through the original payment method or after discussion and agreement with the customer through another legal method agreed upon by both parties

• The total amount will be refunded only if the amount paid has not been used to purchase any services, otherwise a partial refund will be given.

• Refunds can only be made within 7 days of payment, after this period refunds cannot be guaranteed.

• Refunds can take up to 7 business days to start.

• The amount cannot be refunded if the service is provided.

• The service request can be cancelled in the following cases:

 - Both the customer and the service provider have agreed to the cancellation.

- The service provider requested cancellation because he was unable to provide the service.

- Client asked for cancelation as they are not satisfied by the provided service (after our technical support team study his situation and agrees on it).


For more information, please contact the customer service


 Last update on: 15-08-2022
